I am very pleased to announce the publication of my new book, “Rudeness Rehab: Reclaiming Civility in the Workplace and Your Home Space.” I want to extend my sincere appreciation to all my friends and family who helped me to believe that I could achieve this goal.

You can access the link here:

Rudeness and incivility are on the rise in our state and in our country. My hope is that this book and our collective efforts can help us to change this alarming trend in our world and create a place for more civil dialogue.

Yours in rudeness recovery,



Rudeness Rehab by John M. O’Brien Ph.D.

Hate and division have become a more prevalent part of our society. People can easily identify how violent or aggressive behavior has a negative impact on those involved and even those who witness it. But what about the more subtle but nonetheless negative behaviors of rudeness and incivility? This book is about getting you to think about the less obvious ways that we treat each other poorly and the negative impacts that these behaviors can have on the physical and emotional health of ourselves and our loved ones. It is also about how taking a mental-health-based approach to awareness using tools like breathing, active listening, compassion, and more can help us better handle any rude situation.

Will we change? Will we learn to treat each other better? The choice is ours.


After reading this book, I feel more equipped to deal with incivility in my own life. I have a better understanding of what causes it and how to respond when I encounter it. I also feel more confident in my ability to help others who may be struggling with this issue. I have even used the final sentence in his prologue in teaching my Organizational Behavior college course: “Every moment in life is a new chance for a reset and an opportunity to start fresh.”  Amen.


Dr. Brenda McAleer, Ph.D.
Associate Provost
Dean of the College of Professional Studies
Full Professor of Business Administration
University of Maine at Augusta

We all have choices on how we treat others. The climate we currently live in is a pressure cooker and people continue to focus on themselves rather than think of their impact on others. It’s clear that Dr. O’Brien knows how to help people see the value of a kinder approach to workplace interactions. He offers strategies on more effective responses to incivility. His work shifts people’s attention from what about me to what about you.


Rob Fazio, Ph.D.
Author of Wall Street Journal Best Seller, BullyProof

John O’Brien’s book Rude! Why Incivility is Killing You and How to Make it Stop is a vital book for our times. Powerful dynamics in our culture have normalized treating each other poorly. Driven by fear, anxiety, division and self-interest, our communications are too frequently divorced from our most precious values of respect, compassion and kindness. John skillfully shows us how we can find our way back to our better selves and begin the healing we so badly need as individuals and as a country.


Terry Frahlich, LCPC, JD
Author of Cultivating Lasting Happiness: A 7-Step Guide to Mindfulness

Reading Rudeness Rehab is an investment in emotional intelligence. These are the sorts of lessons that pay dividends for a lifetime. If you believe in being the difference you wish to see in the world, this book is a valuable roadmap. My gratitude to John for diving deep to bring us all these pearls of wisdom.


Colt Briner
Founder, Scrappy AF Marketing LLC
Author of The Race to Relevance

About the Author

With over three decades of experience, John O’Brien is a seasoned expert in guiding individuals through significant life transitions by offering practical and ac­tionable strategies to navigate change with ease. He is a licensed psychologist in private practice specializing in grief, trauma, and addiction. He has offered numerous trainings to professional associations and businesses throughout the United States.

In addition to professional speaking and psychotherapy, John has served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maine at Augusta since 2000. He provides coaching and consulting to individuals and groups, including executive assessment, leadership development and health and wellness promotion across a variety of professions, including business, healthcare, law, and financial services. Through his programs, John equips clients with tangible skills and concrete tools that empower them to swiftly reduce stress levels and enhance personal wellness leading to immediate positive transformation.

John is an ICF ACC Certified Coach and Certified Health and Wellness Coach through the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches. He is a former president of the Maine Psychological Association and has served in numerous leadership positions with Divisions of the American Psychological Association.

John co-authored a book on the use of EMDR to treat addictions entitled, “Treating Addictions with EMDR and the Stages of Change.” His current book that is due for publication in Fall 2024 is, “Rudeness Rehab: Reclaiming Civility in the Workplace and Your Home Space.”

In his spare time, John enjoys motorcycling, skiing, biking and further developing his ability in German. He also serves as full time staff to his gifted cat, Shahdi.

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